Sunday 2 October 2011

Continuing of Phase Two

Well Phase Two has evolved some what into a more intrusive phase than first anticipated. As I was taking the seat box out I decided that it would be best to remove the rear floor at the same time and paint all removed items. It also seems to be an ideal time to wax some more of the chassis as it's exposed.......

First Job was to clean the chassis ready for treatment.
Next up I covered items I didn't want covered in wax and sprayed the chassis in rust converter.
Next the chassis was waxed up and completed.
I did notice after that the pressure washing a large chunk of rust was on the floor around the area of the rear doors, i had a look and found that the mid cross member is rusted through. So first job at the weekend is not remove this and replace with new.
Between coats I prepped the seat box, bulkhead and floor for painting by cleaning, sanding and filling.

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